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Buena Park's City Council will be voting soon on the The Village

Now is the time to to let the City know how you feel about this project. Contacting the City Administration and City Council is very important. Given time is short, please call and/or email the following people below to express your opinion opposing this project. The City needs to know that this is the wrong project for Buena Park.

Be polite and respectful while making your voice heard.

Project Recap

Proposed project will consist of 1,302 new residences (more than the entire Flower tract) including:

  • Two (2) five story buildings (all rental units) on La Palma Ave. and corner of Stanton and La Palma Ave
  • Two (7) seven story buildings (all rental units) in center of project one side of building facing Stanton
  • 126 three (3) story townhomes (for sale) have one side facing Stanton and the rest facing the residential properties
  • Townhomes to be located where Sears Auto repair now stands
  • Each apartment building will be built around parking structure for the building
  • No retail stores included in this project

Read the Article about the Buena Park Village
Project on Spectrum News1

We can still make a difference.
Read these articles to see how other cities did:

Council to developer: Scale back San Antonio project

City Council rejects plans to replace Milk Pail
with eight-story office building

Plan Recap Graphic

Photo/Rendering source: Village Buena Park web site


Public Hearing

JUNE 27, 2023

City Council meeting will start at 5:00 pm with the Public Hearing scheduled to start at 6:00 pm

Residents have TWO ways to attend this meeting:

  1. In person:
    Civic Center Council Chamber
    6650 Beach Blvd. Buena Park

  2. Via ZOOM:
    Link is on City’s website if needed
    Meeting ID: 882 7442 4096
    Passcode: 102707

Public Notice Letter

Download a PDF of the Public Hearing Notice

To watch a video of the of the June 8th Virtual Town Hall Meeting click
the link below and scroll down the page to "Watch Meeting Recording"

Watch the Video Now

Before Build

Before Photo

Photo/Rendering courtesy Buena Park

After Build

After Photo

Photo/Rendering courtesy Buena Park

Village Buena Park Site Map

BP Village Site Map

Project Rendering source: Village Buena Park web site


Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Here are ways to make a difference:

Call your City Council members & City Administration
Listed below are important phone numbers to reach those who are involved with passing this project. It is important to be polite and respectful while making your voice heard.

  • Mayor Art Brown:  714-562-3764 (District 4)
  • Mayor Pro Tem Susan Sonne:  949-889-6696 (District 3)
  • Council Member Joyce Ahn: 949-923-9870 (District 1
  • Council Member Jose Trinidad Castañeda:  714-264-0763 (District 2)
  • Council Member Connor Traut:  714-747-6766 (District 5)

  • City Manager Aaron France:  714-562-3550
  • Community and Economic Director and Project Manager for The Village, Matt Foulkes:  714-562-3573
  • Dr. Swati Meshram:  at this time we do not have a phone number for her
For general questions or if you need to know who to contact, please call the City Clerk, Adria M. Jimenez at 714-562-3754. The City Clerk’s office does not have any specific answers to questions regarding the project.

Email your concerns to the following people

To download a sample email please Click Here

Mailing Address
To download a sample letter please Click Here

Correspondence can be sent using this address:

City of Buena Park
6650 Beach Boulevard
P.O. Box 5009
Buena Park, CA 90622-5009

It is better to send an individual letter to everyone attached to this project as stated previously. Place a single name after the ATTN:. Please do not assume that copies of your letter will be made snd distributed to the CCs in your original letter.

We need people to help print flyers as well as pass them out. Possible future needs: door to door survey taking; door to door word of mouth regarding the project in impacted neighborhoods and many tasks to be determined in the future as the need arises.

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